Nazanin Meshkat, Fellow

Dr. Nazanin Meshkat (FRCPC, MHSc) is an Emergency Physician at University Health Network, and an associate professor at the University of Toronto. She completed her Masters in Health Administration at U of T. As a past fellow at the Centre for Innovation in Complex Care  (CICC – now known as OpenLab) she worked on system redesign projects to improve the care of patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic diseases. A believer in health equity and sustainable health care, she was a co-founder of the Global Health Emergency Medicine (GHEM) group, and Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration (TAAAC-EM)’s curriculum co-coordinator helping establish the first emergency medicine residency program in Ethiopia. She is currently the Program Director of the Royal College Emergency Medicine Program and the chair of the Emergency Program Competence by Design Committee. Most important of all she is the mother of one feisty, fierce, and fantabulous daughter.